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Monday, August 24, 2020
👉This is Why Nasdaq and S&P 500 made new All-Time Highs !!
👉This is Why Nasdaq and S&P 500 made new All-Time Highs !!
Nasdaq and S&P 500 made new All-Time Highs - Are They now too Big To Fail? The stock market is going to the moon! Not even the pandemic could stop this bull. The Nasdaq and S&P 500 made new all-time highs last week. This is the biggest Ponzi in history. The stock market is now too big to fail. In fact, by definition, every Ponzi scheme is Too-Big-To-Fail. Until one day, The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Logic would have Wall Street to catch up to Main Street. But the Fed is pumping so much liquidity into the system. This stock market is too rigged to fail. A million here, a million there. Before you know it, you're talking real unemployment and a first-class depression. This is the greatest swindle in the history of mankind. Those dollars created by the Fed to push stocks higher have come from the paychecks, pensions, and savings of working Americans; The Middle Class who produce real products and services. At the core of this system of massive theft and plunder is the Fed and central and fractional reserve banks everywhere. There are fewer and fewer big companies that pull the stock market along. A great many of them are getting wealthy doing things that much of our US populace doesn't care for. Tesla for example, ships .02% of all vehicles. But its market cap exceeds all the other automakers combined. That is definitely insane. The market cap of just seven stocks now equals 39% of US GDP. The balance sheet of the US Fed now equals 36% of US GDP. The rest of us only has 25% of the real economy. The stock market is like a toilet that's broken and won't flush, yet people keep defecating into it anyway. We're cresting the rim right about now. The stock market is too rigged to fail! It is rigged by GREED, and FOR GREED. A perfect vehicle to manipulate. Get stocks high and then cut them off at the knees and make a huge profit on the other side. Did you really think markets would ever be allowed to go red, every dip is bought and green every day? 1 or 2 small days red in a month, and that is all that is allowed. We are living in a fantasy world right now, but you have to keep doing what has worked for four months in a row, keep buying way out of the money calls and join the rich. These Robinhooders will never have to work again, so who cares about unemployment numbers. All they need is a Tesla, chipotle, iPhones, computers to trade, and video machine/games to survive for the next ten years. There is no economic recovery both in the US and internationally. Unemployment is extremely high. And there's a good possibility job losses will accelerate in the coming months as the PPP ends for big businesses (more than 500 employees) at the end of September. And many struggling small businesses go belly up. State and local governments are in dire economic straits, and if they don't get assistance fast, there will be a huge wave of layoffs and service cuts. There is also the potential for millions of renters and homeowners to be evicted in a crisis that looks like it could be worse than the housing bubble of 2008-2009. So why exactly are stocks climbing on a near-daily basis as if we already are well on our way to recovery? I get the feeling that the big players are pushing to see how much more they can squeeze out of this market before they switch to profit-taking. And when that happens, the market will collapse just like it did in Feb-March. They are taking foreign investors and retail players for a ride. They will be squashed when the big players get what they want out of the market. Unless of course, Powell decides to go Japanese and outright buy stocks to halt a full-blown crash. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, I rely on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know, it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. Every 90-years, there is a giant stock market crash followed by DEPRESSION. 90-years ago was 1929 followed by GREAT DEPRESSION, lasting 25-years to 1954. Will history repeat? I BELIEVE SO. Employees will lose jobs. Smart Entrepreneurs get rich. Start preparing now before the crash. The next stock market crash will take the US Dollar down with it. Retirement savings will disappear, along with the US dollars value. The US dollar is failing and has been for a few years. It will continue this slow death spiral for a few more years. The boyz at the fed are pretty good at kicking the can down the road. The Fed exists only to reward the donor class. The briefcase mafia never had it so good, so we'll keep the same low class of people in the office again this year. The Federal Reserve was created to make billionaires trillionaires. The bottom 20% of the population share less than one percent due to Fed policy. The debt slaves are always at the bottom of the pyramid, but they actually move the most bricks. Big companies, float trillions in debt, give the top management huge stock options, buy billions in stock buybacks, give billions in bonuses, outside the US, then force the Fed to buy the debt. And the Federal Reserve will buy it all. They are the buyers of last resort. If the Fed had allowed asset prices to find their natural bottom, wherever that may have been, and they were already on their way in March, and say, across the board.These American billionaires would have lost half of their wealth; then wealth inequality would have been cut in half. But what happened instead is this: the guy with a low-paying job, who lost the job, got the stimulus money and unemployment benefits, and then he handed this money over to the rich. This money didn’t stay with him. It flowed to the asset holders, to capital. That’s how the money flows. And it helped produce the corporate results that helped drive up asset prices. Bezos was the biggest beneficiary of them all. The top 12 wealthiest billionaires have seen their combined wealth soar by 40%—or $283 billion since the pandemic, it now comes to a total of more than 1 trillion dollars. In the meantime, 56 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits, and more Americans are losing their jobs with each passing day. More Americans are suffering from poverty and even hunger. This inequality is a huge handicap for the economy going forward. An economy based on ballooning inequality cannot perform well. Inequality will get in the way of recovery and has a negative impact on future economic growth. This is the save the village by burning it to the ground approach. By trying to prevent a recession/depression, it will cause more problems, either a very slow growth economy that allowed zombie companies et al to continue with capital misallocation and/or a more severe economic downturn ; since the weak were not allowed to perish in a capitalistic system. And tremendous social resentment. The FED is just a bookkeeper that operates closed books and an unlimited credit line for all its shareholders. The end game for the FED is to be the last bank standing and to own it all. They will own cities, states, nations, and all their citizens. They will take out the commercial banks and introduce a digital dollar. The dollar takedown has begun. Won't be long now. The second wave and crumble becomes collapse. The MMT debt scheme is near its mathematical ending. Digital technocratic controls are coming. Here is the mechanism the FED will use to release a mountain of money into the real economy. The Banking for All act is part of the coming stimulus package. It authorizes the FED to offer pass-thru accounts to everyone. In distressed or poor areas where member bank branches are limited, you can go to the POST OFFICE to get your FED account. They will deposit digital dollars into those accounts in the form of Universal Basic Income or stimulus. You will think the digital dollars are like your paper dollars, but they are not. Now they can breach the zero lower bound of interest rates, i.e., go negative. The FED will drop their bank lending rate to -4% or -5% while paying interest to the new FED accounts. The FED can allow you to convert your bank money (paper) to Central Bank Digital Currency or maybe a portion of it or none at all (to increase money velocity). Are you going to sit there as the bank takes 4% of your balance each month because of negative rates, or are you going to rush out and spend it if the FED won't let you convert? There's your inflation! The consumer, being ignorant, would only notice that their bank is charging to hold their money while the FED is not. People won't even notice the difference between their banks' version of money (paper) and the CBDC (programmable and digital). Not only would that incentivize everyone to spend their money before it dwindles away, creating price inflation and velocity, but it will serve the purpose of getting rid of paper money in favor of digital. What a smooth transition that would be. Eventually, the commercial banks will disappear once everyone is on the FED's ledger. That's the FED's endgame. To own it all! They may even allow you to take your CBDC out in the paper for a while just to convince you that there's no difference between FED money and paper. You might think you can avoid the negative rates by getting your cash out, except there's only 1.95 trillion in printed notes. If you're lucky enough to get your cash out, you will only watch it lose value as inflation skyrockets from the trillions being spent using electronic payment methods. Forget getting any gold or silver then! Your FED account would look just like your bank account. And equally, in the coming years, it should seem obvious to everyone in hindsight what a disastrous mess the Fed's/Central Banks' ongoing excessive QE policies created. Those who praise Powell for backstopping the market in March, completely miss the fact that he was already having to support the cracking structure by pivoting back to QE in 2019, and then through trillions of repo money in 2nd half of the year. When markets then reacted to COVID, the entire system was at such risk of collapse - due to its own monumental weight of excessive equity valuations and extreme debt loads - that the Fed's were forced to respond with emergency relief, by necessity, to keep the entire system from failing. This situation was entirely borne out of excessive QE for the past decade, and extreme market risk will continue (regardless of corrections) until we have a Fed with enough courage to reinstate the reasonable-rate policy. The market will always experience natural corrections, but if rates are constantly held reasonable, then the debt is kept more manageable by companies/consumers, and alternative investments help balance the equity valuations and risks in a diversified portfolio. But somehow, the Economists and PhD's running the show this past decade still can't figure this out, or simply think an economy built on debt through MMT is the optimal solution. Obviously, from the beginning of the story. It was a choice of real economic policy by the financial leaders who pass through the central banks that directly financed the virtual world, which has long since been disconnected from the real economy in crisis. It is normal that when real profits fall over the long term, they move to the financial virtual and then unload the problem out. They are systemic irrational processes. The push for predatory globalization arises from the long-term fall in profits, which is a systemic process in addition to the cyclical aspects. The problem has been moved further and magnified to levels never seen before. They also synchronized cycles globally and triggered and amplified the systemic crisis. The final stage of the operation will not be a walk in the park. Too big to fail is a myth. Very big things can fail. The biggest stocks ever, e.g., Apple, are still a tiny portion of the American economy. Any big bank can fail. Just put it into receivership and sell back that shares once the Bank has been rehabilitated. The original shareholders and managers are eligible to fail as they should. Let other, more competent people take it over. Again, nothing is too big to fail. It's a myth. A lie. And a tactic to screw the whole country just to save some lousy Banks or Airlines. Let them fail!!!! Nobody will lose their jobs except incompetent managers. In fact, the little people who run the company can end up owning a larger share of the institution once the managers, along with the parent company, are driven out, or preferred shares are first offered to employees after old management is fired and the debt restructured. Last but not least, screw the bondholders. They don't get to destroy the economy just so their lousy investments work out. Take it out of their hide next time there's a downturn. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
Monday, June 1, 2020
👉As America Burns , The Stock Market Soars !!
👉As America Burns , The Stock Market Soars !!
Stocks are up, Yet fundamentals are worse than the Great Depression. And the Circus continues. The Fed bought the open with both hands and feet. It is all Rigged! These markets are a frontrunning operation run by AI algorithms. Rome is burning; That’s good for 100 points on the S&P. This is the sickest day I have seen in this Ponzi fraud ever. Every major city in America is being set on fire and looted. Forty million unemployed. And they just keep pumping this Ponzi scheme in everyone's face. Further proof of how disconnected the stock "market" is from reality. As Americans get out of bed this morning, they are not going to give one damn about the market. They're going to find out that their nation has literally burned to the ground. The financial sector (Wall Street) is COMPLETELY disconnected from the REAL economy: People riot in the streets, millions of middle-class people in the US lost their job and income, but the stock market skyrockets. 2020 is 1984 on steroids. The true “looters” are in the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, and the Military-Industrial Complex. Their minions are the ones dressed in black and breaking windows, throwing firebombs, and inciting protesters to riot. They tried that at our protest yesterday, and nobody took the bait. There were “end the Fed” signs mixed in with “Justice for George Floyd” signs. People know who the real thugs are, and they wear suits and uniforms! Now you understand that the short downturn on Wallstreet was simply all part of the plan, and the rich get richer. Markets no longer trade on fundamentals. It's just an algo fueled shitshow. It's all a rigged scam so that the "1%" can continue to rake in more loot (taxpayers' money and fabricated currency). Markets ceased reflecting the health of the economy and reality in general decades ago - it's just too obvious to deny now. Riots, Burning, Protester out pillaging, White house lockdown, no goods available for the stocktake sales, Waits of over 40 days for anything needed urgently. Stupid is as stupid does. And The Stocks always go up, and up. Nothing matters anymore in a banana communist republic. Our wealth will continue to be inflated away, our jobs and manufacturing destroyed, our cities burning, church gatherings outlawed, as we take our place amongst the global peasantry of the New World Order. The Fed is buying spree is tapering. The fed is now buying corporate bonds and equities. Every Monday, the Fed needs a good kick at the can get things going, even better during a pandemic and brooding civil war. Spoof the futures and pump and dump into Robin hood retail all day long. Don't stop it till it stops. The only thing that will stop stocks from going up is if the Federal Reserve was ever fully audited. But it's never going to happen. They all know the books are cooked. They also know an audit will absolutely crush the dollar instantly, and they will lose everything to mass violence. Welcome to 2020 - everything is bull (ish). I can only imagine when unemployment hits 30%, and the U.S. military takes over major cities and installs FEMA camps. The Dow would hit 40k. As long as central banks print funny money notes and keep stonks on the level decided by the central committee, you can have them at 60k, for a while. Soon the defaults on all the business loans, and that should be good for another 10000 pop on Dow. How can markets set themselves up for new record highs, when hundreds of millions around the globe have been sacked or furloughed and are likely to become long-term unemployment statistics. Who controls the markets? Who stands to gain the most from this nonsense? The small guy or the banking cabal? There is your answer. The small guy will get crushed, and the one Percent protected by this group will gain. The degree to which soaring markets are diverging from the real economic virus damage, and now the rising rage, has become embarrassingly obscene. The players in the market know that the worse things get, the faster we arrive at negative rates. As Wallstreet laughs at it all and reminds the plebs; The Fed is your Daddy! They needed a pandemic with lockdowns, closures, along with massive unemployment and riots. Money changers, along with Fauci, are wringing their hands and smirking with glee in their eyes. All done by Design, all done by Agenda. It is all a show, everything is fine. The underlining strength in the economy is their" ALL HAIL THE ALL AND MIGHTY FED'. And, I thought the worst looting was being done by dims, Antifa, and the 99/100ths rioters. SEIZE, AUDIT, AND END THE REAL THIEVES: THE FED! End the Fed. Drain the swamp. Enforce the constitution. And remove all dual citizens from the government. Sound money forces the government to live within its means. Eliminate all fiat currencies, for starters. That should be easy. America had the example of Japan right in front of it. But the magic show had to be saved at all costs. For those who think QE will keep asset prices going up indefinitely, look at how QE has tapered. Bubbles are like balloons. They need constant hot air to stay inflated. "QE has become an inescapable trap." QE was an inescapable trap from the beginning. If circumstances are such that to not do QE is just too painful, yet QE will never allow that pain to lessen, you are in the trap. The only way out is through the pain. The worst part is, the pain is going to happen regardless, it will just be worse if it comes involuntarily. Here comes the pain. Greed, hubris, and ignorance have brought the empire to where it is today. The free lunch is over, and the rest of the world sees through the lies. The whole world is laughing at us going along with the globalism scam and our leaders selling gazillion and trillion dollars worth science, wealth, and jobs to China To enrich themselves and us becoming slaves to China. Treason like this never happened in history. And as the anarchists go head to head with the law and order crowd, The 1% kicks back and enjoys the show. Thus was it ever. Thus shall it always be. Get out of the market now. This is a big fraud by the banksters! The Market Has Reached Its "Maximum Stupid" Price Limit. Room for more suckers and bagholders at the top! The markets are all rigged, no need to report on them. Smart people walked away, crazy people try to guess the next move, and insiders know the next move. The wonder is, how bad does it get before the kingpins decide this is not good. The Gambling addicts, playing in the Wall Street Casino, will get wiped out. A Casino owned by the bank cartel. The house always wins. I believe there will be a four to six-month window where the markets will implode and reset to levels for a new beginning. Unfortunately, most people will be wiped out AGAIN, as they just can't resist. The market will go down, and it will remain down for quite a while, and the average investor will eventually sell at the bottom like they always do, and that is how wealth is transferred to those who DON'T need it to live off. The bankruptcies are going to be far and wide, and everyone is right now riding the FAANG's rather than looking at the reality of the rest of the market. With the peak stupidity government with lockdown, peak high stock market with a long queue of bankruptcies, semi-peak chaos on the streets, I am racing against time to accumulate all kind of tangible assets (not only gold), food (rolling 3-6 months) and cash buffer enough for 2-3 years. Thankfully, I am not in a city. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The central banks are buying up to prop up their big corp & hedge funds friends. The "Empire of the City" is taking down the current currency system that is obvious. The probable plan is to back all current currencies with some new central fiat debt-based currency at a fixed exchange rate, i.e., like Bretton Woods architecture but all locked into their new Bancor. They don't want to scare the masses with sudden change, but then they have you by the balls as they control the price and volume of the underlying. Simple. And the end game/end times are approaching. Remember, at one time, $60 billion a month in Fed debt monetization was considered massive. I think they do that and more in a day now, although they are tapering to maybe $5 billion a day right now. I don't keep up on this level on minutia. While keeping the retirement accounts solvent is a noble idea, that goal is looking to be an impossible one after the next Wall Street liquidity withdrawal, aka the next and probably final financial markets crash. This one looks like the big one before the last one. Idiocy like ZIRP and NIRP combined with entire financial markets that require ZIRP in order to see their deals not fail, foreshadows a few problems ahead that more ZIRP won't fix. Neither will NIRP. The streets will look worse than they do now when this happens. Floyd was the trigger. The Communist Media, the fake Wuhan Flu Crisis, the forced house arrests, the Impeachment, and the Meuller Investigation / Frameup, and @Jack, The CEO of Twitter telling us he and his buddies are and always will be the boss of all of us; is the real reason for the riots. Add in failed MMT, and the end is nigh. MMT is poison. QE (Central Banking itself, actually) decoupled the financial system from a productive activity because it systematically rewards cronies at the expense of producers. MMT suffers from the same sin to a greater degree. You cannot cure poisoning by imbibing more poison. Revalue Precious Metals and other real assets to a price sufficient to back currencies. Let the debt junkies default. Do this, and the modern world will continue. Fail to do it, and you will get 1984 followed rapidly by Mad Max world. With markets this overextended, your window of time to take action will likely be quite brief. An end to the current rally could happen extremely quickly and brutally. Obviously, if you don't have some gold or at least gold stocks in your portfolio, now is the time to buy, make it 5% of your assets as a defensive play to the trillions of fiat that has been printed - which you know for sure, will hurt the buying power of the US dollar. Anyone who buys anything (except lead, silver, or gold) now deserves all he will get. Bankruptcy. The Protesters are sick of the FED, creating inequality. Now the FED is actively preventing the recovery. In a fair world without the Fed, those who had savings should have been able to buy stocks on the cheap and be rewarded. Instead, those who had the most debt will be bailed, and those who had savings are going to pay for it with higher prices. Another worthless American export to the world - central banking and QE. I don't see a peaceful way out of any of this. My only hope is that the anger is directed at the true perpetrators of corruption, graft, and theft. This isn't a left/right thing. It's a top/bottom thing. I hope all of you stay safe and have a plan. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
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